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Sep 6, 2021Liked by Austin Kocher

I enjoyed this post and appreciate the recommendations. I am going to suggest a few older books that I found very useful. Forbidden Workers by Peter Kwong https://thenewpress.com/books/forbidden-workers. Exploring workers in New York City with a focus on Chinese workers. Starting with the landing of the Golden Venture this book helps explain the indentured servitude people are pressed into by the cost of smuggling; The Snakehead by Patrick Radden Keefe https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/90836/the-snakehead-by-patrick-radden-keefe/. While our guest worker visas should be a solution, sadly they are also a form of restriction on worker rights. The book Big Sugar: Seasons in the Canefield about the exploitation in the H-2A program. Author is Alec Wilkerson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alec_Wilkinson.

But my hero in this issue of labor and immigrants is Living My Life by Emma Goldman. She tried hard to awake U.S. labor to exploitation and advocated that workers should resist and organize. She was eventually deported for her conviction for opposing the draft in WWI and her writings on anarchy. Thank you for sparking my mind today.

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