'Know your rights' resources help communities prepare for escalating immigration enforcement activity. I reviewed dozens of these resources and identified 7 common themes.
Excellent fine points on a complicated subject. Also good to inform this vulnerable community that there are nonprofit legal resources, like Legal Aid, as most don't have thousands to spend on legal relief. **Is this post available in Spanish? If not, would you like me to translate? I was already putting together key resources in Spanish for this community, and your summation is ideal.
Thanks for a very useful synthesis and survey. A suggestion for how to get involved nationally from the Immigration Advocacy Network:
Thanks for sharing this!
This was a very good initiative, thanks for sharing
Excellent fine points on a complicated subject. Also good to inform this vulnerable community that there are nonprofit legal resources, like Legal Aid, as most don't have thousands to spend on legal relief. **Is this post available in Spanish? If not, would you like me to translate? I was already putting together key resources in Spanish for this community, and your summation is ideal.
Excellent, thank you!
The Felon is truly a monster. Bob Lee Swagger, where are you?