This installation featuring historical photographs, miniature architectural models, and maps is as close as you can get to the border inside the beltway, but it is only on display until July 3.
Austin, if you don't already have a copy, I recommend "The American Wall" by Maurice Sherif. It is big, heavy and expensive. Also essential for border nerds like us.
I didn’t even know this existed! Thank you so much.
Both text and photos are stunning. I can't find it on the web right now, but Plate 17 will blow your mind.
Austin, if you don't already have a copy, I recommend "The American Wall" by Maurice Sherif. It is big, heavy and expensive. Also essential for border nerds like us.
I didn’t even know this existed! Thank you so much.
Both text and photos are stunning. I can't find it on the web right now, but Plate 17 will blow your mind.