When a customer at a Mexican restaurant lashed out at a server, she didn’t expect to lose her job over it. A look at how anti-immigrant rhetoric shapes behavior and how communities are pushing back.
While I welcome substantive engagement of this post and encourage public debate, identity-based slurs of any kind will not be tolerated in the comments. This is a zero tolerance policy. Users who violate this will be immediately and permanently banned.
Well said. Although it’s far down the list of the horrible things Trump has done, I don’t think it’s discussed enough how much more unpleasant he’s made normal social life. The temperature is turned up so high that ordinary disagreements get turned into a life-changing, relationship-destroying battle between good and evil. Probably everyone knows someone whose family no longer goes to the same house on Thanksgiving as they did before Trump because of some stupid political argument.
Anyways, I had my first date with my fiancee at Cazuela’s! Best thing on the menu there is the carnitas platter, which comes with a stuffed bacon wrapped jalapeño.
"Stephanie is paying (literally) for the consequences of anti-immigrant rhetoric actively encouraged from the highest offices in our country. "
While I'm sorry Stephanie lost her job, maybe it's for the best. Columbus doesn't need racists representing it when showing newcomers homes or other properties. Stephanie reflects poorly on the community, on Columbus as a whole. Not good for business. She needed to learn a lesson in order to show others that racism/bigotry is always wrong and that we need to treat each other with kindness. Learning opportunities are often painful, so let's hope her example teaches others not to follow her behavior.
Russia has invaded America. Americans are prisoners of war. Putin is calling the shots. All those empty suits occupying Putin’s fortress are just his straw men. Stop referencing Putin’s bully blowhard and his side kicks. Call him out. Name him. Putin. It’s a new world order here. Russia. Suffering is on the horizon.
I am embarrassed for you. No offense intended, but it takes an extra level of ignorance and stupidity to try to revive that thoroughly debunked attempt at a smear.
Seriously, you're a man, judging by your name, so it's expected of you to do your best to be reasonable instead of hysterical.
People like you are why so many of us have left the Democrats in disgust. It's not only a thoroughly corrupt and incompetent party, but it's also a cult for immature and developmentally stunted adults whose baseline emotion is temper tantrums.
Excellent piece, right on point. I wonder how long before stephanie doing the rounds on MAGA media outlets as another aggrieved martyr penalised for speaking her - if you’ll excuse the expression- mind.
she fully deserves everything she’s experiencing because she’s an absolute piece of garbage, but at least—AT LEAST—she didn’t compound her abhorrent behavior by saying “I’m sorry you were offended”. She owns up to making a mistake* in her statement. Do I believe *she* believes she did anything wrong? Yeah, getting caught. Her thinking hasn’t magically changed and she’d probably do the same thing if given another opportunity with a guarantee of no consequences. Again, she’s a shit excuse for a human and a racist bigot in a land stolen from its Indigenous peoples by immigrants (irony is truly dead). But at least she didn’t present a non-apology apology, which is what too many others would do.
*To be clear: she didn’t make a “mistake”, she made a choice. And, on some level, she knew that choice was a poor one when she tried to conceal her name. The negative consequences of that choice should follow her for a very, very long time because she deserves every one of them.
You're right, her "mistake" was a choice. Funny how her Go Fund Me page talks about going to education programs and diversity and inclusion education - the very things that Trump has banned! I'm not sure she is telling the truth about that.
Yeah. Initially she claimed her credit cards were stolen. Only after that lie was called did Stephers own up. Hope she actually learns something other than she hates getting caught.
No sympathy for bigots. No one held a gun to her head. She wrote that awful note of her own volition and she’s crying crocodile tears. The problem with people like her is that they don’t think they’ll ever suffer consequences which is typical bullying behavior. The guy she picked on got back up, and now she’s backing down. She’s a coward.
'In a moment of frustration...' what? In a moment of frustration she suddenly turned racist and couldn't help herself? This reminds me of the justification they used to give us girls to maintain our virginity, because 'boys will be boys.' Well that no longer floats, and neither does 'racists will be racists'.
I wonder if there are comments on GoFundMe pages, that would be interesting
“None of this is helped by our current administration. Trump’s bombastic rhetoric sadly deludes his supporters into believing that they belong to an historical shift in popular consciousness, one that authorizes them to act as deputized ambassadors for their leader in everyday situations.” Perfect distillation of the current moment
Stephanie Lovins, a real estate agent in Columbus, was dismissed after writing an offensive message on a restaurant receipt. She tried to deny it and continued to deny it even ater security footage was. Major Karen piece of white trash.
Yeah, but my friend Karen is a great human being!! Sad that is used to describe someone like Stephanie ( and I’m sure the other Stephanie members don’t like it either! )
Yeah, I cringe that my name John is referenced in US street culture as both a purchaser of sex and a toilet bowl. But I don't lose my mind over it. That ship sailed long long ago.
Austin, that is a tremendous story and outcome. Guessing Stephanie tried calling her credit card company saying her card was stolen to keep from paying the tab. I bet, if she has any brains at all, she will be moving or already has. The stink will follow her for awhile regardless. Thanks for writing this piece.
Trump is a desease of the mind. Beyond the physical harm he is doing to our country he has wormed his way into our minds and removed all joy, and destroyed our sense of community.
You are so right. Pre Trump it didn’t really matter to us what your political persuasion was but now, when you meet someone you have to look for hints and clues before engaging. It’s sick.
Karma is a real thing ! I hope Stephanie learns from her hatred and bigotry but I know these trumpers and she hasn’t. She just hates that she was caught
Agree with everything here. A very sad, but a totally predictable, situation when MAGA runs into in reality what it thinks are its numerous targets. Equating any Latino/a they see with an undocumented immigrant is the perverted, but desired, result of the raw racial basis of its immigration rhetoric. MAGA-maniacs are totally primed to lash out at any Latino/a. Not that I excuse Stephanie at all. We all make choices. But I am amazed, confused, flummoxed about the action of the local Century 21 office to fire Stephanie for her speech here. They have every right to get rid of her, no question. As a reason, they say “hate has no place within the brand,” which indicates that they feel MAGA rhetoric is hurtful to the "brand", their bottom line. Maybe in Columbus, OH, but I wonder if Stephanie had been a broker in some Podunk town in red states America whether Century 21 would have fired her. I doubt it. They might have instead increased the % of commission she earned.
I had to laugh about your fear that your post would be mistaken for "tabloid news." I searched google for info on Stephanie Lovins Columbus and landed on a page from the Hindustan Times from New Delhi, where imbedded in the story of Stephanie was this click bait: "ALSO READ| Elon Musk and Donald Trump: Here's what astrology has to say about their future friendship." Your fear here was spot on! Haha.
Words hurt. Any worker has a right to be treated fairly. Century 21 has my thanks.
I am a US citizen since 1981. I grew in Spain and experience mistreatment because I have a strong accent that affects Magas. I drove all over the US and Canada for my business and Trump changed the environment for me. He and the GOP are destroying America.
EFS, I was thinking more about the real estate market that Century 21 serves in Columbus. In the last election Franklin County went for Harris 63%-35% over Trump and Sherrod Brown 65%-33% over Bernie Moreno.
I appreciate that. I know there are many "red" states that have a significant number of Democratic residents. And we can't control what our neighbors do. I'm still angry that any American voter would elect a convicted felon whose entire agenda is based on hatred and the elimination of our democracy.
While I welcome substantive engagement of this post and encourage public debate, identity-based slurs of any kind will not be tolerated in the comments. This is a zero tolerance policy. Users who violate this will be immediately and permanently banned.
Well said. Although it’s far down the list of the horrible things Trump has done, I don’t think it’s discussed enough how much more unpleasant he’s made normal social life. The temperature is turned up so high that ordinary disagreements get turned into a life-changing, relationship-destroying battle between good and evil. Probably everyone knows someone whose family no longer goes to the same house on Thanksgiving as they did before Trump because of some stupid political argument.
Anyways, I had my first date with my fiancee at Cazuela’s! Best thing on the menu there is the carnitas platter, which comes with a stuffed bacon wrapped jalapeño.
I’m not convinced it’s that far down the list, as I think it’s a big part of how he’s enabled the rest of the things he is doing.
"Stephanie is paying (literally) for the consequences of anti-immigrant rhetoric actively encouraged from the highest offices in our country. "
While I'm sorry Stephanie lost her job, maybe it's for the best. Columbus doesn't need racists representing it when showing newcomers homes or other properties. Stephanie reflects poorly on the community, on Columbus as a whole. Not good for business. She needed to learn a lesson in order to show others that racism/bigotry is always wrong and that we need to treat each other with kindness. Learning opportunities are often painful, so let's hope her example teaches others not to follow her behavior.
Exactly! She doesn’t need to be selling houses to or for the people of the community if this is the way she feels about them.
Russia has invaded America. Americans are prisoners of war. Putin is calling the shots. All those empty suits occupying Putin’s fortress are just his straw men. Stop referencing Putin’s bully blowhard and his side kicks. Call him out. Name him. Putin. It’s a new world order here. Russia. Suffering is on the horizon.
Putin is a Russian agent, I mean, Trump is a Russian agent. America is under attack. When will Americans realize that?
America is under attack. It's under attack by Useful Idiots who vote for the wretched candidates the demonrats run for office and congress.
Don't be a UI.
Typo fixed
I am embarrassed for you. No offense intended, but it takes an extra level of ignorance and stupidity to try to revive that thoroughly debunked attempt at a smear.
Seriously, you're a man, judging by your name, so it's expected of you to do your best to be reasonable instead of hysterical.
People like you are why so many of us have left the Democrats in disgust. It's not only a thoroughly corrupt and incompetent party, but it's also a cult for immature and developmentally stunted adults whose baseline emotion is temper tantrums.
Get a grip, man. You're embarrassing your team.
Have a nice day.
I think Stephanie should sue trump for causing her actions..he would sue her
I want some of that reparations action. Add me to the list.
Excellent piece, right on point. I wonder how long before stephanie doing the rounds on MAGA media outlets as another aggrieved martyr penalised for speaking her - if you’ll excuse the expression- mind.
One thing, and it’s tiny:
she fully deserves everything she’s experiencing because she’s an absolute piece of garbage, but at least—AT LEAST—she didn’t compound her abhorrent behavior by saying “I’m sorry you were offended”. She owns up to making a mistake* in her statement. Do I believe *she* believes she did anything wrong? Yeah, getting caught. Her thinking hasn’t magically changed and she’d probably do the same thing if given another opportunity with a guarantee of no consequences. Again, she’s a shit excuse for a human and a racist bigot in a land stolen from its Indigenous peoples by immigrants (irony is truly dead). But at least she didn’t present a non-apology apology, which is what too many others would do.
*To be clear: she didn’t make a “mistake”, she made a choice. And, on some level, she knew that choice was a poor one when she tried to conceal her name. The negative consequences of that choice should follow her for a very, very long time because she deserves every one of them.
You're right, her "mistake" was a choice. Funny how her Go Fund Me page talks about going to education programs and diversity and inclusion education - the very things that Trump has banned! I'm not sure she is telling the truth about that.
Yeah. Initially she claimed her credit cards were stolen. Only after that lie was called did Stephers own up. Hope she actually learns something other than she hates getting caught.
No sympathy for bigots. No one held a gun to her head. She wrote that awful note of her own volition and she’s crying crocodile tears. The problem with people like her is that they don’t think they’ll ever suffer consequences which is typical bullying behavior. The guy she picked on got back up, and now she’s backing down. She’s a coward.
She’s sorry her MAGA ass got caught
'In a moment of frustration...' what? In a moment of frustration she suddenly turned racist and couldn't help herself? This reminds me of the justification they used to give us girls to maintain our virginity, because 'boys will be boys.' Well that no longer floats, and neither does 'racists will be racists'.
I wonder if there are comments on GoFundMe pages, that would be interesting
My husband and son love Cazuela's and go there all the time. They're going to be eating there even more now.
“None of this is helped by our current administration. Trump’s bombastic rhetoric sadly deludes his supporters into believing that they belong to an historical shift in popular consciousness, one that authorizes them to act as deputized ambassadors for their leader in everyday situations.” Perfect distillation of the current moment
Stephanie Lovins, a real estate agent in Columbus, was dismissed after writing an offensive message on a restaurant receipt. She tried to deny it and continued to deny it even ater security footage was. Major Karen piece of white trash.
Yeah, but my friend Karen is a great human being!! Sad that is used to describe someone like Stephanie ( and I’m sure the other Stephanie members don’t like it either! )
Yeah, I cringe that my name John is referenced in US street culture as both a purchaser of sex and a toilet bowl. But I don't lose my mind over it. That ship sailed long long ago.
It’s true, there are several names that have different meanings, mine included 😉!
Austin, that is a tremendous story and outcome. Guessing Stephanie tried calling her credit card company saying her card was stolen to keep from paying the tab. I bet, if she has any brains at all, she will be moving or already has. The stink will follow her for awhile regardless. Thanks for writing this piece.
As a Stephanie, I hope she legitimately wants and does change. Stop effing with people and sullying our name!
Trump is a desease of the mind. Beyond the physical harm he is doing to our country he has wormed his way into our minds and removed all joy, and destroyed our sense of community.
You are so right. Pre Trump it didn’t really matter to us what your political persuasion was but now, when you meet someone you have to look for hints and clues before engaging. It’s sick.
Karma is a real thing ! I hope Stephanie learns from her hatred and bigotry but I know these trumpers and she hasn’t. She just hates that she was caught
Agree with everything here. A very sad, but a totally predictable, situation when MAGA runs into in reality what it thinks are its numerous targets. Equating any Latino/a they see with an undocumented immigrant is the perverted, but desired, result of the raw racial basis of its immigration rhetoric. MAGA-maniacs are totally primed to lash out at any Latino/a. Not that I excuse Stephanie at all. We all make choices. But I am amazed, confused, flummoxed about the action of the local Century 21 office to fire Stephanie for her speech here. They have every right to get rid of her, no question. As a reason, they say “hate has no place within the brand,” which indicates that they feel MAGA rhetoric is hurtful to the "brand", their bottom line. Maybe in Columbus, OH, but I wonder if Stephanie had been a broker in some Podunk town in red states America whether Century 21 would have fired her. I doubt it. They might have instead increased the % of commission she earned.
I had to laugh about your fear that your post would be mistaken for "tabloid news." I searched google for info on Stephanie Lovins Columbus and landed on a page from the Hindustan Times from New Delhi, where imbedded in the story of Stephanie was this click bait: "ALSO READ| Elon Musk and Donald Trump: Here's what astrology has to say about their future friendship." Your fear here was spot on! Haha.
Words hurt. Any worker has a right to be treated fairly. Century 21 has my thanks.
I am a US citizen since 1981. I grew in Spain and experience mistreatment because I have a strong accent that affects Magas. I drove all over the US and Canada for my business and Trump changed the environment for me. He and the GOP are destroying America.
Ohio is a red state.
EFS, I was thinking more about the real estate market that Century 21 serves in Columbus. In the last election Franklin County went for Harris 63%-35% over Trump and Sherrod Brown 65%-33% over Bernie Moreno.
I appreciate that. I know there are many "red" states that have a significant number of Democratic residents. And we can't control what our neighbors do. I'm still angry that any American voter would elect a convicted felon whose entire agenda is based on hatred and the elimination of our democracy.